A software QA agency
on demand

For startups, dev agencies, and more...


Iteration X

Novy Unlimited, Inc.


Iteration X • Novy Unlimited, Inc. • Sendlinx •

Membership benefits

Membership perks you’ll love!

Unlimited tests

Submit test requests for as many features as you’d like.

Fast delivery

One feature at a time, you’ll get test results in just 48 hours on average.

Fixed rates

Don’t like surprise fees? Me neither! Pay a fixed price each month.

Top-notch quality

More than a decade of QA expertise anytime you need it.


Scale up whenever necessary, and pause or cancel anytime.

Yours to keep

All tests are custom designed for your project and yours to keep if you cancel.

Why test software?

Here are a few important reasons…

Better software!

Retain users!

Release faster!

  • Did you know that 53% of users abandon apps that take longer than 3 seconds to load?

    Metrics like that are measured to ensure users love your software as much as you do!

  • The sooner you release software, the more competitive edge you have.

    We design an efficient path to your software’s critical issues and identify them in the shortest time possible so you can release without delays.

  • Your software should be functional and intuitive!

    We leverage more than a decade of experience with design principles so you can develop easy to use software without compromising what’s important you.

  • Did you know that 62% of people uninstall apps if they experience crashes, freezes, or other major errors?

    Our QA team identifies these errors and helps your development team fix them before your customers see them.

  • According to a study conducted by NowSecure, “95% of ~6,500 popular mobile apps fail to meet the world’s most recognized industry standard for mobile app security.”

    Don’t let errors like this drive a wedge between you and your customers. Work with our QA engineers to secure your app data.

Platforms and Services

Test Methods











Ad hoc









& more






& more

Membership levels



  • One request at a time

  • Unlimited tests

  • Average 48-hour delivery

  • Unlimited projects

  • Unlimited team members

  • Cancel subscription anytime

Sign up



  • Two requests at a time

  • Unlimited tests

  • Average 48-hour delivery

  • Unlimited projects

  • Unlimited team members

  • Cancel subscription anytime

  • Pause subscription anytime

Sign up


  • Great question! For starters, the cost of a full-time senior-level QA engineer starts at $90,000, not including benefits.

    Also, you may not always have work for your full-time QA engineers, so you pay them for time you can’t use. With the Pro plan, you can pause your membership during the months you don’t need it so you’re not paying during downtime.

  • Nope! Fill your queue with as many test requests as you’d like. One at a time, they’ll be delivered one after another.

  • On average, requests are completed in just two days or less. However, large or complex requests can take longer.

  • Actually, iQAsoftware is an agency of one. This means you’ll work directly with me, the founder of iQAsoftware. To learn more about my background, please visit the About page.

    However, partner engineers help service larger and more complex requests.

  • iQAsoftware offers lots of flexibility in how you make requests in Asana. Share any necessary wireframes, Excel sheets, Google docs, or even video recordings of your project briefs.

    As long as it can be linked to or shared in Asana, you’re free to make requests however you feel most comfortable.

  • No problem! As long as your membership is active, just submit the request again and we’ll test until you’re 100% satisfied.

  • Due to the high quality nature of the services, no refunds will be issued.

Get in touch.