
With technology’s rapid pace of innovation and the need to quickly deliver high-quality products, tight deadlines, limited budgets, and small teams, testing often becomes a bottleneck in the development process for Startups.

That’s why iQAsoftware was founded. We’re an on-demand software testing company serving startups, development agencies, and indie developers.

With more than 15 years of software testing experience at startups, development agencies, and Fortune 500 companies, our engineers know the positive impact of efficient and effective testing on a project’s success.

Our mission is simple: We want to provide the best software testing strategies anytime you need, at affordable rates, and deliver them within 48 hours!

We offer various testing services, including functional, compatibility, UI/UX, and more.

We combine a deep understanding of agile methodologies and industry best practices to deliver efficient and reliable testing solutions. Our goal isn’t to simply find defects; we aim to help you speedily solve those defects and prevent them in future releases.

Whether you’re a Startup that needs a strong testing foundation, a development agency looking to improve software quality and quicken your production pipeline, or an indie developer seeking testing guidance, iQAsoftware is here to help you succeed!

Founder / Test Engineer

For over a decade, I’ve helped deliver hundreds of software projects for startups, private development agencies, and Fortune 500 businesses.

By reducing customer complaints, improving customer loyalty, and enhancing brand image through Quality Assurance, I've helped build 2 companies past $30M valuations while raising millions in venture capital.

Here’s a short list of the results I helped generate for companies below:

Metaverse Startup: Reduced bugs in production by over 40%

Development Agency: Spearheaded a VR contract, generating over $250K in revenue in 15 days

Development Agency: Spearheaded an AI retail simulation, generating $75K in profit within 30 days

Metaverse Startup: Increased development speed by over 15% by automating 20% of complex Jira tasks.

Metaverse Startup: Helped facilitate quality improvements, resulting in an overall valuation growth from $2M to $35M in 32 months

Want to amplify your business revenue through high-quality software testing? Work with me directly:

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